Bad Blogger

I love reading blogs. I love writing. I enjoy having this opportunity to write about events, stories, share ideas, products, etc. And yet, I am terrible at keeping up with my blog.

I can make all kinds of excuses like how my last year at work was very hard and kept me busy, planning a wedding, working on my house, blah blah. At the end of the day I ascribe to the belief that you can make time for what is truly important to you.

With all that said, I do love to write. I do feel more creatively fulfilled when I can put some thoughts to paper screen, revise, read comments and participate in the blogger community. I am going to commit to posting more regularly. I don’t know exactly how often that will be. Once a week? Once a month? Whatever it ends up being, I need to commit to actually making time for this creative outlet, especially if I want to have more writing opportunities in the future – can’t be rusty, right?

Now that I’m sufficiently berated myself, here have a picture of my cats.


2012, A Year in Review

I never could have imagined all the amazing things that would happen in 2012.



At the beginning of the year, I was inspired to make a vision or inspiration board of what I hope to achieve  or focus on during 2012, by The Fitnessista. I thought it was a great spin on the traditional New Years Resolutions;  the board allowed the ideas to actually be written down and displayed where I could see it daily, which seems more powerful to me. We all know all the studies talking about how resolutions are so frequently forgotten by February, and usually I couldn’t tell you my resolution from one year to the next. As a chronic lister, being able to look back on the year and go wow, I really did make some strides is a very cool feeling.

My goals for 2012, and how I did for each one:

1. lose 20 lbs

Not only did I not lose this weight, I actually gained a few extra lbs. I feel like I got caught up in so many of the other changes going on that I did not make my fitness a priority. I’ve also identified some of the bad habits that have contributed to weight gain or failure to lose weight. So even though I did not accomplish this, I am honing in on why I continue to struggle with my weight and what I need to  do to be successful in the future. 

2. complete 3 half marathons, one at a sub 2:30 pace –CHECK!

This year I ran the Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon in St. Pete, Disney Princess Half Marathon in Orlando, and recently the Women’s Half Marathon St. Pete. I also finished the Princess at 2:29, and probably would have run that one much faster but I stopped to take pictures and really enjoy the race.

3. maintain any weight loss

Since I failed to lose any weight this one is also still a work in progress. I usually can lose weight fairly easily but gain it back just as quickly. I tend to be all or nothing- all about exercise and healthy eating or none at all, striking the balance between health and enjoyment of life is something I’ll be working on this next year. 

4. Get engaged. –CHECK!

Now obviously this one is not in my control, but I was certainly ready for the next step, after 3 years of dating the same guy, living with him for 2 years, and really feeling I found my perfect match in this word. Including this was more of a putting it out in the universe and hoping it happened (and providing a hint for my man- ladies you know sometimes they just need a nudge in the right direction…) This one will also shape a lot of the fun in 2013. 

5. Figure out some direction in my career — sort of check?

I did make a change in my career. I moved schools so I was at a place much closer to my home, teaching higher level students and teaching only one subject, so basically not going crazy with stress like I was the last year. Most importantly, I moved to a school where my administration is much more supportive, so its an overall better climate. I do still want to pursue my Masters degree in something to allow for more career potential in the future, and this I still have not figured out, so I made some changes, but still have more soul searching to do. 

6. Begin steps toward career changes — again sort of check

7. Try to be less stressed– CHECK!

I took some steps to reduce the amount of stress in my career, and also saw a doctor about ways to decrease the stress in my life. 

8. Take vitamins to avoid colds. -CHECK!

I was having a lot of chronic sinus infections at the end of 2011, and was frustrated with this and determined to improve my daily health. Now this is a case where things got worse before they got better- chronic GERD, fatigue, etc, but I am on a course of both prescribed, OTC and vitamin remedies to deal with daily ailments. One goal for next year will be addressing these issues with more natural remedies. 

9. Be thankful–CHECK!

I feel as thought I always am rushing through life to the next goal, next task, next accomplishment, and sometimes fail to stop and smell the roses and appreciate the things around me. I think being able to deal with stress and anxiety in my life has allowed me to go a little slower. Realize I am not in a competition against myself, and I have time to accomplish things. As a result, I have felt an increased appreciation of the day to day things. 

10. Take a road trip.

This one unfortunately did not happen because of other financial decisions we made, but it is on the bucketlist before we have kids. 

Some of the other amazing things that happened this year:

1. We bought a house!!!

2. We adopted a new member of the family: Henry


3. We have been planning a wedding, that is just over 2 months away.

I’m going to reflect on my goals for this year, work on an inspiration board and hopefully have it ready to post and discuss in the next day or so.

Are you going to make an inspiration board this year?

Henry and Aedan snuggling together in one of their cat beds yesterday.

Cute Cat Monday…a day late

Yesterday was the start of several very stressful weeks I have preparing my students for their big final exam. Somehow, in the midst of feeling frustrated, grouchy, and basically had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Sadly this meant I missed Cute Cat Monday. My coworker posted this on my Facebook today, which reminded me of my omission, so I thought I’d pass it along to you fine folks!


Cute Cat Monday

I didn’t forget this weeks cute cat Monday, and I have 2 adorable pics of my own little cat sons:

After the long long weekend up in Long Island (heheh lots of length), and the midnight flight arrival, I needed an extra day off to catch up on life. I was washing the sheets, cleaning the bedroom etc, and the cats wanted to help me.

This is their idea of cleaning.



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