Free Disney Vacay

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know of a sweepstakes I came across yesterday.


I subscribe to the Disney Parks Blog because I love all things Disney and since I live only an hour and a half from Orlando, I like to stay current on promos, contests, etc. So this popped up in my reader and I was so excited I thought I would share- you can enter for a chance to win a free Disney vacation! The blog explains more, but I figure why not enter and just see what happens- someone has to win, right?

Read More Here

Disclaimer: Disney has not compensated me in any way to promote this sweepstakes, I just think it was awesome on its own!

Bravo Reality Shows

I am a reality TV junkie. I think it stems from being in a kind of mentally demanding job, where I have to be “on” all day. When I get home the last thing I want to do is read a book about history, watch a documentary or turn on the news. The best reality tv shows are undoubtedly on Bravo.

I started watching The Real Housewives of the OC back in 2005 when it first aired with my mom, and it had me from the start. I lost a few seasons over the years while a broke college kid with no cable (or time to sit around and watch tv for that matter) but as soon as I had a real big girl job I decided to treat myself to the luxury of cable. For the last few years, I’ve caught up not only with RHOC but also pretty much all of the other Real Housewives series. Housewives was like a gateway drug though, and before long I found myself watching more and more of the Bravo reality tv lineup.

Current Season of Real Housewives

image source

Currently, in addition to the Housewives (minus Jersey housewives, I never got into that one but feel like I’m missing out) I have been watching Princesses Long Island, Below Deck, Newlyweds: First Year, Don’t Be Tardy. (oooo I just saw on the Bravo page that Tamra’s from RHOC’s wedding is going to have its own series!!!)

My husband totally does not get my reality TV obsession nor do many of my friends. I’m sorry but I’m not trying to be a hipster who acts like I don’t watch tv – it is definitely my guilty pleasure. I thoroughly enjoy immersing myself in the stories and the relationships, fights, trips, reunions ahhh just thinking about it makes me excited for next week’s episodes!

Here’s a tidbit from a recent episode of RHOC:

Do you like reality tv? What is your favorite reality series?

A-Z of This Week

I remember doing these little surveys on MySpace and LiveJournal and such so I thought I’d indulge myself and relive my teenage years. 

A is for age: 24

B is for breakfast today: I went really light on breakfast today since I was having an early lunch with my mom, some kiwi and cottage cheese and 2 cups of coffee- my lifeblood. 

C is for currently craving: water! I am surprisingly thirsty after running errands all day. 

D is for dinner tonight: Bonefish Grill with family. 

E is for favorite type of exercise: Running fo’ sho. Zumba has definitely been fun lately but running is a true passion. 

F is for irrational fear: Eels, yuck! Also: falling into the sewer via a loose manhole cover. I never run on them juuuuust in case

G is for gross food: mayonnaise. ugh, I just can’t. 

H is for hometown: well my adopted hometown is where I currently reside, Saint Petersburg, Florida

is for something important: confidence 

J is for current favorite jam: I have been digging Rihanna’s “Right Now” and also Kesha’s “Warrior”

K is for kids: Hopefully in the next couple of years we will have a little one running around! 

L is for current location: da Burg! 

M is for the most recent way you spent money: $20 bucks at target for some makeup

N is for something you need: a date night out with my hubby

O is for occupation: High School History Teacher

P is for pet peeve: when people bite their nails

Q is for quote: basically my mantra for my upcoming marathon: 


R is for random fact about you: John Irving is one of my favorite authors. 

S is for favorite healthy snack: hmm…edamame, greek yogurt, hummus…

T is for favorite treat: brownies ahhhh. Put brownies in front of me and you will see a magic trick- they will disappear right before your eyes! 

U is for something that makes you unique: I have been a ridiculously avid reader since I was very small. I used to carry a book with me everywhere and read through anything- I usually have a book on me even now!

V is for favorite vegetable: broccoli

W is for today’s workout: hopefully a run; the crazy Florida storms might prevent this one, but crossing my fingers

X is for x-rays you’ve had: this is a random question…chest, arm, face

Y is for yesterday’s highlight: A tasty lunch with my mom: veggie ravioli, ceasar salad and some leftover homemade falafel 

Z is for your time zone: Eastern

Thanks to Nutrition Nut on the Run for the survey!

Bad Blogger

I love reading blogs. I love writing. I enjoy having this opportunity to write about events, stories, share ideas, products, etc. And yet, I am terrible at keeping up with my blog.

I can make all kinds of excuses like how my last year at work was very hard and kept me busy, planning a wedding, working on my house, blah blah. At the end of the day I ascribe to the belief that you can make time for what is truly important to you.

With all that said, I do love to write. I do feel more creatively fulfilled when I can put some thoughts to paper screen, revise, read comments and participate in the blogger community. I am going to commit to posting more regularly. I don’t know exactly how often that will be. Once a week? Once a month? Whatever it ends up being, I need to commit to actually making time for this creative outlet, especially if I want to have more writing opportunities in the future – can’t be rusty, right?

Now that I’m sufficiently berated myself, here have a picture of my cats.


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