A-Z of This Week

I remember doing these little surveys on MySpace and LiveJournal and such so I thought I’d indulge myself and relive my teenage years. 

A is for age: 24

B is for breakfast today: I went really light on breakfast today since I was having an early lunch with my mom, some kiwi and cottage cheese and 2 cups of coffee- my lifeblood. 

C is for currently craving: water! I am surprisingly thirsty after running errands all day. 

D is for dinner tonight: Bonefish Grill with family. 

E is for favorite type of exercise: Running fo’ sho. Zumba has definitely been fun lately but running is a true passion. 

F is for irrational fear: Eels, yuck! Also: falling into the sewer via a loose manhole cover. I never run on them juuuuust in case

G is for gross food: mayonnaise. ugh, I just can’t. 

H is for hometown: well my adopted hometown is where I currently reside, Saint Petersburg, Florida

is for something important: confidence 

J is for current favorite jam: I have been digging Rihanna’s “Right Now” and also Kesha’s “Warrior”

K is for kids: Hopefully in the next couple of years we will have a little one running around! 

L is for current location: da Burg! 

M is for the most recent way you spent money: $20 bucks at target for some makeup

N is for something you need: a date night out with my hubby

O is for occupation: High School History Teacher

P is for pet peeve: when people bite their nails

Q is for quote: basically my mantra for my upcoming marathon: 


R is for random fact about you: John Irving is one of my favorite authors. 

S is for favorite healthy snack: hmm…edamame, greek yogurt, hummus…

T is for favorite treat: brownies ahhhh. Put brownies in front of me and you will see a magic trick- they will disappear right before your eyes! 

U is for something that makes you unique: I have been a ridiculously avid reader since I was very small. I used to carry a book with me everywhere and read through anything- I usually have a book on me even now!

V is for favorite vegetable: broccoli

W is for today’s workout: hopefully a run; the crazy Florida storms might prevent this one, but crossing my fingers

X is for x-rays you’ve had: this is a random question…chest, arm, face

Y is for yesterday’s highlight: A tasty lunch with my mom: veggie ravioli, ceasar salad and some leftover homemade falafel 

Z is for your time zone: Eastern

Thanks to Nutrition Nut on the Run for the survey!

Feel free to leave some feedback!

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