So many fun things!

Well, its certainly been a while since I have posted. In my defense, numerous major life changes, along with the regular monotony came together to make for a very busy end of summer, and fall. Some of them include:

1. Buying a House.

My last post was venting some of the stress and frustration of trying to purchase a home, which I suspect has become even more difficult after the whole housing bubble bursting/financial crisis business of 2008. The good news is, it was all worth the time, effort, stress, tears, excessive wine, etc. We moved into our new house August 3 of this year, and have spent the last couple of months since then doing projects around the house/yard. I can’t wait to share some of the things we have done and be able to document projects to come!

2. I got a new job.

While I am still teaching history, and actually one of the same subjects, I transferred to a new school in the same county. There were numerous reasons for wanting to leave my previous school, and it was a good time to be able to move on. I am very thankful that I found a position that I am greatly enjoying, which is much closer to home, less stressful because I am only teaching (and therefore preparing for) one subject, as opposed to 3, teaching higher level kids, and making more money in. Its a win all around!

3. Ryan proposed.

I plan to post separately on this one, as I think it deems a special post, but I was very excited that my boyfriend of 3+ years proposed, and in a way very suitable to us.

4. I’m planning a wedding!

Obviously now that Ryan proposed, I have been in full on wedding planning mode. That is actually part of why I have been itching to start posting again: there are a lot of fun projects and events coming up, that would be fun to chronicle, and have a way to remember and look back upon. We are getting married in March 2013, and therefore having a relatively short engagement. I knew I would probably get a little wedding crazy and figured it would be best to limit that by forcing myself to just plan quickly. So far so good. Famous last words, right?

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